"> Monk's Café - On Tap


HORAL Megablend 2024
3 Fonteinen Aardbei
3 Fonteinen Aardbei/Kreik
3 Fonteinen Cuvée Armand & Gaston (1.5 L Magnum)
3 Fonteinen Cuvée Armand & Gaston LG
3 Fonteinen Cuvée Armand & Gaston SM
3 Fonteinen Cuvée Armand & Gaston Vintage 2019
3 Fonteinen Doesjel LG
3 Fonteinen Druif: Souvigner Gris
3 Fonteinen Druif: Spätburgunder
3 Fonteinen Framboos
3 Fonteinen Golden Blend
3 Fonteinen Golden Doesjel
3 Fonteinen Langste Kook
3 Fonteinen Langste Nacht 2019: Karwijzaad XIV.iii (Order as14.3)
3 Fonteinen Langste Nacht 2019: Krieken en Kruiden XIV.ii (Order as 14.2)
3 Fonteinen Langste Nacht 2019: Krieken XIV.iv (Order as 14.4)
3 Fonteinen Nocturne
3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze LG (2018/19 Season)
3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze SM (2017/18 Season)
3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Vintage 2019
3 Fonteinen Oude Kirsebaer XVI.iii (Order as 16.3)
3 Fonteinen Oude Kriek
3 Fonteinen Oude Kriek (1.5L Magnum)
3 Fonteinen Perzik Geel
3 Fonteinen Perzik Rood
3 Fonteinen Platinum Blend
3 Fonteinen Pruim Mirabelle
3 Fonteinen Schaarbeekse Kriek
3 Fonteinen Single Wood-Acacia Wood (order as 18.8)
3 Fonteinen Single Wood-Ash Wood (order as 18.5)
3 Fonteinen Single Wood-Cherry Wood (order as 18.6)
3 Fonteinen Single Wood-Chestnut Wood (order as 18.4)
3 Fonteinen Single Wood-German Oak (order as 18.2)
3 Fonteinen Single Wood-German Oak+Acacia (order as 18.3)
3 Fonteinen Single Wood-Mulberry Wood (order as 18.7)
3 Fonteinen Tuverbol
3 Fonteinen Vlierblossem
3 Fonteinen Zenne y Frontera • Blend nº93 •
Achel Extra Brune
Achel Extra Blond
Alvinne 'The Oak' Cuvee Freddy
Blaugies Blidegarian Imperial Stout
Blaugies Darbyste 12.7oz
Blaugies La Moneuse 12.7 oz
Blaugies Saison D'Epeautre 12.7oz
Blaugies/Hill Farmstead La Vermontoise
Boon Framboise
Boon Gueze Vat 109
Boon Kriek
Boon Marriage Parfait Geuze 2013
Boon Marriage Parfait Kriek (2022)
Boon Millésime Oude Schaarbeekse Kriek
Boon Oude Geuze Black Label Edition Nº 3
Boon Oude Gueuze (2018)
Brouwerij Kestemont Abrikozen (Apricot)
Brouwerij Kestemont Framboise
Brouwerij Kestemont Groene Druif (Green Grape)
Brouwerij Kestemont Oude Geuze
Brouwerij Kestemont Oude Schaarbeek Kriek
Cantillion Kriek LG
Cantillon Ashanti
Cantillon Bruscella
Cantillon Fou Foune
Cantillon Gueuze SM
Cantillon Gueuze LG
Cantillon Mamouche
Cantillon Rose de Gambrinus (750ml)
Cantillon Sang Bleu
Cantillon St. Gilliose
Cantillon St. Lamvinus
Cantillon V Generations Gueuze (Monk's Café Exclusive)
Cantillon Vigneronne
Chimay Barrel Fermented Première Ale
Chimay Cinq Cent LG
Chimay Cinq Cent SM
Chimay Grand Reserve 3L Jeraboam
Chimay Grande Reserve LG
Chimay Grande Reserve SM
Chimay Green
Chimay Premiere
Corsendonk Christmas Ale (2023)
De Dolle Ara Bier
De Dolle Bos Keun
De Dolle Dulle Teve
De Dolle Dulle Teve RESERVA
De Dolle Extra Special Export Stout
De Dolle Extra Special Export Stout (2015 Vintage)
De Dolle Oebier 2019 Special Reserva
De Dolle Oerbier
De Dolle Oerbier (2016 Vintage)
De Dolle Oerbier 2007 Special Reserva
De Dolle Stille Nacht (2015 Vintage)
De Dolle Stille Nacht (2017 Vintage)
De Dolle Stille Nacht (2023 Vintage)
De Dolle XL Anniversary Ale (Can)
De Glazen Toren Saison d'Erpe-Mere
De Halve Maan Zot Sport N/A
De La Senne Brett Porter
De La Senne Brett Saison
De La Senne Bruxellensis
De La Senne Coucou Puissant
De La Senne Jambe de Bois
De La Senne Saison (Saison w/ Cantillon Lambic)
De La Senne Saison du Meyboom
De La Senne Taras Boulba
De La Senne Wadesda #9
De Proef Broederlijke Liefde
De Ranke Back to Black
De Ranke Cuvee
De Ranke Kriek
De Ranke Mirakel 25oz
De Ranke Vieille Provision
De Ranke Wijnberg
Delirium Tremens
Duchesse de Bourgogne Cherry
Dupont Avec Les Bon Veoux (375 ml)
Dupont Avec Les Bon Voeux (750 ml)
Dupont Saison
Fantôme Skrip's Big Brew
Fantôme Caeymaex
Fantôme La Dalmatienne (Light)
Fantôme Pissenlit
Fantôme Saison
Fantôme Vertignasse
Girardin Gueuze Black Label
Gouden Draak
Green's Discovery Amber (Gluten Free)
Green's IPA (Gluten Free) (Can)
Green’s Endeavor Double (Gluten Free)
Hanssens Experimental Raspberry Lambic (2015)
Hanssens Gueuze
Hanssens Oudbeitje
Hanssens Oude Kriek
Hanssens Schaerbeekse Kriek 2015
Hercule Stout (Brasserie des Légendes)
Kasteel Rouge (Can)
Liefmans Goudenband
Lindeman's Framboise
Lindemans Cuvée René Oude Kriek
Lindemans Kriek
Lindemans Pêche
Monk’s Café Flemish Sour Ale
Oud Beersel Bzart
Oud Beersel Foeder 21 Geuze Limited Edition 2019 375ml
Oud Beersel Kriek 2014 Vintage 750ml
Oud Beersel Kriek 2018 Vintage 750ml
Oud Beersel Oude Geuze Vielle 2014 Vintage 750ml
Oud Beersel Vandervelden Geuze 375ml
Oude Beersel Oude Geuze Vielle 375ml
Petrus Oak Aged Pale Ale
Rochefort 10º
Rochefort 6º
Rochefort 8º
Rochefort Triple Extra
Rodenbach Classic (16.9oz can)
Rodenbach Grand Cru
Rodenbach Oak Aged Sour Vintage 2018
Scaldis Noel
Sport Zot Blonde NA
St. Bernardus ABT 12º
Straffe Hendrik Brugs Quad
Straffe Hendrik Heritage 2016 750ml
Struise Dark Horse Reserva
Struise Tsjeeses
Struise Tsjeeses Reserva (aged in bourbon barrels)
Tilquin Airelle Sauvage (Lingonberry)
Tilquin Cassis 375/750ml (2018)
Tilquin Fruit des Bois (Saison/Lambic)
Tilquin Gewurzt 750ml (2020)
Tilquin Mirabelle (Mirabelle Plum) 750ml
Tilquin Mûre (Blackberry) 375ml (2019)
Tilquin Mûre (Blackberry) 750ml (2017)
Tilquin Mûre Rullquin 750ml (2018)
Tilquin Myrtille Sauvage (Wild Blueberries) 375ml (2018)
Tilquin Oude Gueuze 375ml
Tilquin Oude Gueuze 375ml (Vintage 2015/16)
Tilquin Oude Gueuze 750ml
Tilquin Oude Gueuze 750ml (Vintage 2015/16)
Tilquin Oude Gueuze 750ml (Vintage 2016/17)
Tilquin Oude Gueuze Cuvée Arthur (Family Tree Project)
Tilquin Oude Gueuze Cuvée Jean-François 1759 (Family Tree Project)
Tilquin Oude Gueuze Cuvée Jean-Paul (Family Tree Project)
Tilquin Oude Gueuze Cuvée Marie-Catherine (Family Tree Project)
Tilquin Oude Gueuze Cuvée Paul (Family Tree Project)
Tilquin Oude Syrah
Tilquin Pêche Jaune (White Peach)
Tilquin Pinot Gris 750ml (2019)
Tilquin Pinot Meunier
Tilquin Pinot Noir 750ml (2019)
Tilquin Questche (French Plum) 375/750ml
Tilquin Questche 750ml (Vintage 2016/17)
Tilquin Reinette Etoilee (Apple)
Tilquin Riesling 750ml (2019)
Tilquin Stout Rullquin 750ml (2016)
Tilquin Sureau (Elderberries) 375/750ml
Tilquin Viognier (White Grape)
Val-Dieu Grand Cru
Vanberg Bzart Lambic
Verhaege Duchesse Cherry
Vicaris Triple/Gueuze
Westmalle Double
Westmalle Extra
Westmalle Triple


Collective Arts Guava Gose (Can)
Collective Arts IPA (Non-Alchoholic) (Can)
Collective Arts Ransack the Universe (Can)
Unibroue La Fin du Monde


Gales Prize Old Ale (1999)
J. W. Lees Harvest Ale (35th Anniversary with 1986 yeast)
J. W. Lees Vintage 2005 Harvest Ale aged in Lagavulin Casks
J. W. Lees Vintage 2012 Harvest Ale aged in Port Wine Casks
J.W. Lees Vintage 2015 Harvest Ale aged in Calvados Barrels
Sam Smith Organic Cider
Sam Smith Taddy Porter
Sam Smith's Nut Brown (Can)
Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout
Samuel Smith Organic Apricot
Tynt Meadow English Trappist Ale


Põhjala / To Øl Sticks & Stones
Põhjala Château Noir BA Imperial Porter
Põhjala Chocolate Porter
Põhjala Kamin
Põhjala Must Kuld Porter
Põhjala Öö Cassis
Põhjala Öö XO
Põhjala Tallinn at Dawn
Põhjala Winter Smooth
Põjhala Baltic Porter Day 2025


Sinebrychoff Porter


Au Baron Cuvée des Jonquilles
Dupont Cidre Reserve (2020) (Calvados Cask)
Etienne Dupont Cider
Thiriez Winter Pepper


Aecht Schlenkerla Erle
Aecht Schlenkerla Helles Smoked Lager (Can)
Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier (Oak Smoke)
Aventinus Cuvee Barriquee
Aventinus Eisbock
Aventinus Tap 6
Aventinus Weizenbock (16.9oz)
Ayinger Celebrator Dopplebock
Bahnhoff Leipziger Gose
Bitburger Drive Non-Alcoholic
Dr. Fritz Briem 1809 Berliner Weisse
Gaffel Kolsch (16.9 oz Can)
Jever Pilsner (16.9 oz Can)
Schneiderweisse Hefe Weiss
Uergie Dopple Sticke
Weihenstephan Dunkle Weiss
Weihenstephan Hefe Weiss


Birra Baladin Leon
Del Ducato Chrysopolis
Del Ducato/Oxbow Oud Brunello
LoverBeer Beer Bera (2018)
LoverBeer Beer Brugna (2017)
LoverBeer Dama Brun-a (2010)
LoverBeer Madamin Sour (2017)
Panil Barrique Sour Red
Panil Divina 25oz


Hitachino Nest Ginger
Hitachino Nest Sweet Stout
Hitachino Nest XH
Hitachino Nest Yuzu Lager (Can)

Local Breweries

2SP Brewing Bourbon the Russian (2022)
Dock Street Rye IPA (Can)
Dogfish Head Word Wide Stout "Wake Up"
Dogfish Head World Wide Stout (2003)
Dogfish Head World Wide Stout (2012)
Dogfish Head/Rodenbach Crimson Cru
Frecon Early Man Cider (Can)
Intangible Ales Aura
Intangible Ales Future Primitive
Ploughman Cider Birdwatcher (Can)
Ploughman Cider Dabinett/Roxbury Russet
Ploughman Cider Dornick (Can)
Ploughman Cider Puro Pinolero (Can)
Ploughman Cider Stark
Ploughman Cider Stayman Winesap (Can)
Ploughman Cider Stayman Winesap Mixed Culture
Second District Oude Pêche
Succession Fermentory Levain


De Molen Hel & Verdoemenis
De Molen Hemel & Aarde
De Molen Rook & Leer
La Trappe Quadrupel
Tommie Sjef Cuvée 2022
Tommie Sjef "Bitter"
Tommie Sjef "Druif"
Tommie Sjef "franc"
Tommie Sjef "sprøng"


HaandBryggeriet Haandbaak
Nøgne Ø Dark Horizon #7 (Limited)
Nøgne Ø Porter

Rest of The U.S.

Alchemist Focal Banger
Alchemist Heady Topper
Allagash Astrid
Allagash Curieux
Allagash Emile
Allagash Fluxus (2017)
Allagash Gatherwell
Allagash Interlude (2017)
Allagash James & Julie
Allagash Nancy
Allagash North Sky Stout (16oz Can)
Allagash Tiarna
Allagash Triple Reserve
Allagash Uncommon Crow
Allagash White (Can)
Anderson Valley Blood Orange Gose (Can)
Avery Explitus
Avery Twenty-Three
Avery Vallum
Brooklyn Local 2
Captain Lawrence Hops n' Roses
Captain Lawrence Marrone Rossa
Crooked Stave Blues Berry (16oz Can)
Crooked Stave Chocolate Silly Cybies 750ml
Crooked Stave Get the Funk Out
Crooked Stave L'Brett D'Apricot Barrel (2017)
Crooked Stave L'Brett D'Apricot Blanc Barrel (2017) 1.5 Liter
Crooked Stave Member Berries Syrah (2016) 1.5 Liter
Crooked Stave Nightcap (2017)
Crooked Stave Nightmare on Brett
Crooked Stave Origins Blueberry Port
Crooked Stave Persica (2016) 1.5 Liter
Crooked Stave Persica Sauvignon Blanc Barrel (2016) 1.5 Liter
Crooked Stave Reserva Elberta Peach (2017) 1.5 Liter
Crooked Stave Reserva Goldbar Apricot (2017)
Crooked Stave Reserva Juniper Ginger Gin (2017)
Crooked Stave Reserva Palisade Peach (2016) 1.5 Liter
Crooked Stave Spon
Crooked Stave Stay the Funk In 750ml
Downeast Cider Original Blend (Can)
Firestone Walker 25th Anniversary Ale (2021)
Firestone Walker 27th Anniversary Ale (2023)
Firestone Walker Agrestic
Firestone Walker Le Kriek Noir
Firestone Walker Parabola (2024)
Firestone Walker PNC Buckwheat Imp Stout (Batch 2)
Firestone Walker Rolling Bones
Fonta Flora Brewery Decoy [Carrot Cake]
Fonta Flora Brewery Doom Tree (16 oz. Can)
Fonta Flora Brewery Fonta (Can)
Fonta Flora Brewery Jitterbug
Fonta Flora Brewery Lake James Rind (Can)
Fonta Flora Brewery Razzmatazz Remix
Fonta Flora Brewery Torches Vol. II (Can)
Founders KBS (2021)
Founders Nemesis
Freak Folk Melvin 2021
Grimm Ales Double Negative
Jolly Pumpkin Ale Absurd (MI) 25oz
Jolly Pumpkin Bam Noire
Jolly Pumpkin Calabazza Blanca (MI) 25oz
Jolly Pumpkin Calabazza Boreal (MI) 25oz
Jolly Pumpkin Isla Estrana (MI) 25oz
Jolly Pumpkin La Roja Grand Reserve 12.7oz
Jolly Pumpkin La Vida 25oz
Jolly Pumpkin Luciernaga (MI) 25oz
Jolly Pumpkin No Ka Oi (MI) 25oz
Lost Abbey 24 Steps 2017
Lost Abbey 24 Steps 2018
Lost Abbey Agave Maria
Lost Abbey Angel's Share (2016)
Lost Abbey Carnevale
Lost Abbey Deliverance
Lost Abbey Deliverance (2011)
Lost Abbey Framboise de Amorosa
Lost Abbey Ghost in the Forrest
Lost Abbey Libri Divini (2021) (LIMITED)
Lost Abbey Number of the Beast
Lost Abbey Red Barn Ale
Lost Abbey Red Poppy
Lost Abbey Red Poppy Grand Cru (Batch 1) (LIMITED)
Lost Abbey Santo Ron Diego
Lost Abbey The Pale Horse (Very Limited)
Lost Abbey Zinners & Saints (CA) 25oz
New Belgium Felix
New Belgium La Folie Geisha Grand Reserve
North Coast Brewing Old Rasputin
OEC Tempus Blend #15
OEC Trifaldi Oatmeal Stout (16 oz. Can)
Ommegang Abbey Double
Ommegang Hennipen Saison
Oxbow Crossfade
Oxbow Dell' Aragosta
Oxbow Farmhouse Pale Ale (Can)
Oxbow La Griseta
Oxbow Oxtoberfest Blend
Oxbow Sasuga
Perennial Ales Abraxas
Plan Bee Spontaneous Foeder (2021)
Plan Bee Spontaneous Morello (2022)
Port Brewing Older Viscosity
Port Brewing Santa's Little Helper
Russian River Damnation
Russian River Intinction Sauvignon Blanc
Russian River Propitiation
Russian River Robert Saison
Russian River Sanctification
Russian River Supplication
Russian River Temptation
Schilling Beer Co. Blend No. 1
Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Fritz & Ken's Stout
Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Jack & Ken's Black Barleywine
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine
Sierra Nevada NA Golden
Sierra Nevada NA IPA
Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Sierra Nevada/Russian River Brux
Suarez Family Brewery Big Night
Suarez Family Brewery Call To Mind
Suarez Family Brewery Lo and Behold
Suarez Family Brewery Parlance Satsuma (2022)
Suarez Family Brewery Parlance Shiro (2022)
Suarez Family Brewery Poet's Walk (2020)
Suarez Family Brewery Summer Whoa
Suarez Family Brewery Whistlin'


Harviestoun Old Engine Oil
Skull Splitter Scotch Ale
Traquair House Ale
Traquair Jacobite Ale


Maisa Agullons Setembre
Sagardoa Gurutzeta Basque Cider (CAN)


Carnegie Porter


BFM Abbaye de Saint Bon Chien Grand Cru 'Gola Verage' (Wine & Rum Barrels) (LIMITED)
BFM Abbaye de Saint Bon-Chien 'Moustache' (Ruby Port Barrel) (LIMITED)
BFM Abbaye de Saint Bon-Chien 2019
BFM Abbaye St. Bon-Chien 2014 (LIMITED) 750ml
BFM Abbaye St. Bon-Chien 2016 '20th Anniversary' (Château Latour Barrels)
BFM Cuvee Alex Le Rouge
BFM La Douze
BFM La Meule
BFM SqRt 225th Sour Historical Saison